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Notable Economist Issues DIRE Warning, ‘Biggest Crash Of Our Lifetime’ Coming Soon?

Vince Quill

It might sound silly, but a bag of chips can tell you a lot about a nation’s economy.

Open up a bag of chips and ask yourself: is the bag as full as it was four years ago, or is it lacking? Buy a new flagship cell phone from Google or Apple, did it come with a charger?

Last night I finally ordered my new phone and a new phone means a new case; my personal favorite? The Otter-box. I have been using them for years, but guess what? I now had to buy the screen protector separately.

Never mind that the cases are retailing for $60 or something ridiculous like that.

All of these developments can be traced back to one culprit and serve as an irritating reminder that the effects of inflation do not merely take the form of increased prices of goods.

Oh no, the effects of inflation often affect the quality of the products so that these corporations don’t have to raise the sticker price. Of course, not only has the quality gone down but the prices have also gone up.

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