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Elizabeth Warren unveils plan to reopen investigations into Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump’s sister Maryanne Barry who avoided federal ethics probes as judges

Elizabeth Warren would re-open investigations into Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump’s sister Maryanne Trump Barry It’s part of a plan she released…

Is Trump At Last Ending Our ‘Endless Wars’?

The backstage struggle between the Bush interventionists and the America-firsters who first backed Donald Trump for president just exploded into open warfare, which could sunder…

President tells Pelosi to get lost: White House throws down gauntlet to Nancy and says Donald Trump will not cooperate with her ‘illegitimate’ impeachment inquiry because it is ‘seeking to overturn 2016 election’

The White House told Speaker Nancy Pelosi that Donald Trump and his staff would not be participating in her impeachment inquiry   White House counsel Pat…

‘Don’t tempt me!’ Hillary Clinton mocks Donald Trump after he invites her to run again in 2020 saying she should ‘steal it away from Uber left Elizabeth Warren’

Elizabeth Warren is in a statistical tie for first place against Joe Biden in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary Trump has mercilessly mocked the Massachusetts…

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