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50 000 expected to join bank strike

Durban – UNIONS say they are expecting about 50 000 people to join a banking sector strike on Friday. Joe Kokela, general secretary of Sasbo…

WHOA! PELOSI ACCIDENTALLY TELLS THE TRUTH! Admits Earlier Today Everything They’re Doing Is Attempt to Stop Trump from Being Elected (VIDEO)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) delivered an ‘impeachment statement’ at 5 PM ET amid the Trump-Ukraine ‘whistleblower’ mayhem. Pelosi demanded the ‘whistleblower statement’ be given…

IT’S HERE: D-Wave announces 2048-qubit quantum computing system, theoretically capable of breaking all classical encryption, including military-grade

Natural News) Over the last several days, we’ve highlighted the stunning breakthrough in “quantum supremacy” announced by Google and NASA. Across other articles, we’ve revealed how quantum…

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