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Pelosi commits to running for Speaker if Democrats retain House



Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Sunday committed to running for the leadership position again if Democrats retain their House majority in November’s election.

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Pelosi on “State of the Union” if she is “going to run for another term as Speaker” if Democrats keep the House.

“Yes, I am,” Pelosi answered.

“But let me also say that we have to win the Senate, so all this discussion of the virus takes us to the importance of this election,” she added. “Vote your health.”

Pelosi emphasized the importance for Democrats to win the Senate by citing Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s likely confirmation to the Supreme Court. Barrett would be President Trump‘s third nominee to be confirmed to the high court.

“This is a very important election, and this nomination makes the election even more important for people’s health, for clean air, … health of our planet and health of our people,” she said.

Democrats are expected to keep their hold on the House, with RealClearPolitics ranking 215 seats as at least leaning Democratic, 185 as at least leaning Republican and 35 as toss-ups.

In late 2018, Pelosi committed to a self-imposed term limit of a maximum of four years so the next Congress is expected to be her last as the House’s top Democrat.


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