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Police union in one of America’s most violent cities endorses President Trump: ‘Even some Democrats…agree’

Posted by: Chris Elliot


CHICAGO, IL –The Chicago Police union, in what should be an unsurprising turn of events, has put their political support behind President Donald Trump.

The police union, like the National Fraternal Order of Police, have publicly endorsed President Donald Trump for a second term in office.

The hope behind this endorsement is to foster those that value the police to see that they have supported his candidacy, and vote for him over Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The National Fraternal Order of Police tweeted:

“On behalf of the 355,000 members of the Fraternal Order of Police, we are proud to unanimously endorse @realDonaldTrump for President of the United States.”

The Union President, Patrick Yoes, said:

“Public safety will undoubtedly be a main focus for voters in this year’s election.  Look at what the national discourse has focused on for the last six months.  President Trump has shown time after time that he supports our law enforcement officers and understands the issues our members face every day.

“The FOP is proud to endorse a candidate who calls for law and order across the nation.  He has the full and enthusiastic support of the FOP.”

The endorsement should catch no one by surprise, after all, members of the union have made no secrets out of asking the President to send in the National Guard to help quell the uptick in violence that had been occurring in Chicago since Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot took office.

The union has been asking for, and succeeded in getting federal law enforcement sent to the windy city which, surprisingly (insert sarcasm), has seen a reduction in the murder rate by 50% since they started their efforts.

Although, the mainly red city will most likely not be concerned about where the police union stands, people like FOP president John Catanzara has no problem with poking the bear.  In this case, the bear would be Lightfoot and democratic leaders of the liberal city.

The union board for the Chicago Police met on September 9th and unanimously agreed to endorse President Trump over Biden in the upcoming general election.  This was done a few days prior to the National FOP’s endorsement of the President, a move that they did in 2016.

Catanzara said that he believes the majority of the union’s membership will be supportive of this move, he does believe there may be some members who will be unhappy.  He said:

“But there’s definitely people who are not going to be happy about it.  There are more Democrats, locally speaking, but there’s even some Democrats who would agree that the current president has been very good for employment and law enforcement these days.” 

Catanzara then spoke of the issues with the current protests, they are all well and good until, as they often seem to do, turn into riots.  He believes this is because of the democratic led cities that seem to be having the problem over other areas of the country.

This is a point that Lightfoot disagrees with, as she says that the protests in Chicago have been mostly peaceful in nature.  However, instead of pointing to where the true issue lies in terms of the riots and looting that have occurred under her watch, like many other democratic leaders, Lightfoot blames President Trump.

Catanzara was proudly one of the people that were in attendance at the President’s acceptance speech on the White House lawn.  He makes no apologizes for his being there and said that he would be happy to do anything to help the President get reelected in Chicago.  He told the Tribune:

“I will do whatever I can for him -clearly.  I hope he makes a somewhat local appearance – that he doesn’t think Illinois is a lost cause and will just kind of mail it in.”

President Trump backs the blue. Endorsement numbers show the blue backs him too.

NASHVILLE, TN – It’s no surprise. More and more members of law enforcement are backing the presidential contender who has backed them.

A climbing number of police organizations are endorsing President Donald Trump for a second term in office ahead of the presidential election in November.

One of the largest groups to show its support in the National Fraternal Order of Police.

On Friday, September 4, the NFOP President Patrick Yoes wrote in a statement:

“President Trump has shown time after time that he supports our law enforcement officers and understands the issues our members face every day. The FOP is proud to endorse a candidate who calls for law and order across our nation. He has the full and enthusiastic support of the FOP.” 

The union represents over 355,000 members nationwide.

Yoes said before endorsing President Trump, leadership considered issues most vital to members, including challenges faced by the rank-and-file officers, issues in public safety, and the problems in our criminal justice system.

He wrote:

“During his first four years, President Trump has made it crystal clear that he has our backs. Our members know that he listens to the concerns of our brothers and sisters in uniform and is able to make tough decisions on the issues most important to law enforcement. President Trump is committed to keeping our communities and families safe.” 

The Trump campaign estimates that more than a dozen law enforcement organizations which represent 950,000 members have already endorsed the President.

The campaign website says that law enforcement leaders recognize that President Trump “has their back” and in return the “Administration has delivered much needed support.”

In addition to the NFOP, these groups have endorsed the President: National Association of Police Organizations, The International Union of Police Associations, The Southern States Police Benevolent Association, The National Troopers Coalition, The Texas Municipal Police Association, The Arizona Police Association and The New York State Law Enforcement Officers Union.

The list has grown as anti-police riots and protests led by Democrats and liberals leave a trail of destruction through some of America’s largest cities.

Leaders of the above organizations cited the unrest while voicing support for President Trump.

On September 1, the National Association of Police Organization reaffirmed its support. The group includes more than 241,000 members and first endorse the President in July.

A Tweet by the organization reads:

“Joe Biden and the Democrats have spent months allowing anti-police sentiment to fester and grow in our cities. They have taken steps to make the already difficult jobs of our members more dangerous.” 

It goes on to say:

“There has been no President who has done more to support our members and law enforcement officers across the country, as well as the communities they are trying to protect and serve.”

The International Union of Police Associations represents more than 100,000 law enforcement personnel and also endorsed Trump.

IUPA President Sam A. Cabral wrote in the endorsement announcement:

“While his candor ruffles the feathers of the left, I find it honest and refreshing. He stands with America’s Law Enforcement Officer and we will continue to stand with him.”

Local unions have also backed the Republican candidate for a return to the Oval Office.

The Texas Municipal Police Association represents more than 30,000 law enforcement officers and has deeply felt the effects of recent anti-police sentiments.

In a statement posted to Twitter, the association says Texas police officers have been hit by a “wave of violence” this year, citing reason shootings, stabbings and other attacks on police.

It reads:

“Last year, Texas lost nineteen police officers in the line of duty. This year twenty-two have now made the ultimate sacrifice. We humbly thank every person who has rallied to support law enforcement. The men and women who pin a bade to their chest and face the dangers of the world deserve to know that they are not alone and are supported by the individuals who have commissioned them. We call on every public official, at every level of government to do the same.”

It is a message consistent with an early statement, backing the President.

On September 3, the TMPA Twitter account posted the association’s endorsement of President Trump. It reads:

“Since taking office, President Trump has proved to be a law and order President and a supporter of America’s law enforcement officers.”

President Trump warns: “Biden’s plan is to appease the domestic terrorists. My plan is to arrest them.”

LATROBE, PA – During a rally held by President Donald Trump on September 4th, the president addressed the crowd sharing some strong words when delivering his synopsis of how Joe Biden would run the country versus how he intends to continue doing.

President Trump noted that Biden would ignore law and order when it pertains to the violent rioters we’ve seen in the past few months, and even go so far as placating them in their destructive efforts:

“Biden’s plan is to appease the domestic terrorists. My plan is to arrest them.”

The president stated that Biden has been part and parcel in the gaslighting when framing what is going on during the protests and riots, noting how Biden has characterized them as being “peaceful protesters”:

“Joe Biden and his party spent the entire summer cheering on the rioters rampaging through Democrat-led cities, falsely labeling them as peaceful protesters.”

During the address, President Trump alleged that therein lies a sort of pact between the violent rioters in the streets and liberal politicians and affluent individuals due to an intersectional disdain toward the middle class:

“The globalists and the leftists make natural partners because they are united by their contempt for the American middle class. That’s why powerful corporations and far-left politicians have both sided with radical demonstrators.”

President Trump also delivered another strong point during the address, pointing out that those propping up Biden are among the miscreants in the streets while he’s actively getting endorsed by police organizations:

“Do what you want: vote for the candidate backed by violent left-wing rioters if you have to. Or, do what you want to vote for the candidate backed by the selfless heroes of law enforcement.”

The president believes that Biden will never run a campaign that uses the phrase “law and order”, as he feels it would alienate the base that Biden is trying to appeal toward:

“He’ll never get to say that. Can’t say that, because then he’d lose the whole left. And let me tell you, the left is running that party. You don’t want to be dealing with the left. These people are stone cold crazy.”

As mentioned earlier, President Trump has received glowing support from law enforcement officials and organizations. That includes the New York Police Benevolent Association.

On August 14th, President Donald Trump held a small rally of sorts within his Bedminster golf course in New Jersey while addressing the anti-cop sentiments being pushed by radicals among those left-of-center.

During said event, he also received an endorsement from none other than the City of New York Police Benevolent Association.

This was President Trump’s second appearance in recent times at the Bedminster golf course, as he’d previously appeared at his golf course to address supporters and questions from the press on August 7th.

During the August 7th event, members of the press were trying to scold the president by insinuating he was setting a bad example since people among the crowd were initially not social distancing or some not wearing masks at the onset either.

When those questions were hurled by members of the press, President Trump stated:

“To me they pretty much look like they all have, pretty much all have masks on.”

Which while some photos showed the crowd unmasked, other photos showcased them adorning face coverings later.

Moving on to the August 14th event, President Trump addressed reportedly hundreds of members from the NYPD, informing them that “no one will be safe in Biden’s America,” if the Biden/Harris ticket succeeds in November.

President Trump continued, stating that if he is elected to a second term, them New York’s finest will regain the due respect for their service:

“This guy [Biden] has been taking your dignity away and your respect. And I’m telling you on November 3rd you’re going to be getting it back.”

After conveying that Biden and Harris won’t be able to maintain any semblance of law and order while in office, the City of New York Police Benevolent Association formally endorsed President Trump’s campaign for 2020.

NYCPBA President Pat Lynch stated the following during the endorsement:

“I have 36 years in this job, 26 as the president of this fine organization. I cannot remember when we have ever endorsed for the office of the president of the United States – until now. That’s how important this is.

Mr. President, we’re fighting for our lives out there. We don’t want this to spread to the rest of the country, we need your strong voice across the country to say ‘we have the support of law enforcement across this country’.”

Lynch continued from there, telling President Trump that he “earned” the endorsement from the NYCPBA.

President Trump has been hammering down on the notion of restoring order in the country if elected for a second term, with him saying earlier in the week that police officers in New York can’t even do their job properly due to numerous restrictions and proverbial red-tape:

“In New York, you have New York’s finest, but they’ve totally taken away their incentive. They’ve taken away their lives, in a sense, because they don’t allow them to do their job.”

Come to think of it, you don’t really hear about any other police unions going to bat for Biden. That can certainly make one wonder.

Endorsing President Trump these days often provokes backlash – and institutions with power and influence have been caught trying to silence and punish those who dare show a glimpse of support toward our standing president.


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