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Professor Turley Says ‘Voldemort-like’ Hillary Will Avoid Responsibility in Durham Probe

By Bob Hoge

George Washington University law professor and self-proclaimed liberal Jonathan Turley said Friday on Fox News’ “Special Report” that Hillary Clinton will probably avoid “direct responsibility” in the Durham probe because of her “Voldemort-like status.”

Apropos of nothing, but since we’re busy comparing public figures to Harry Potter characters, I would like to point out that our short-lived disinformation czar Nina Jankowicz can be compared to similarly temporary-tenured Hogwarts Headmistress Dolores Umbridge. Just sayin’.

But back to the story at hand. Appearing with host Bret Baier on “Special Report,” Turley predicted Clinton would escape consequences like she always seems to. Rather than edit this down, I will let the professor’s words speak for themselves…

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