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Report: BLM co-founder lobbying wing funded by pro-Communist China group


The co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Alicia Garza, partnered with a pro-Chinese Communist Party group to fund its lobbying operations in the United States.

Black Futures Lab, started by Garza, which currently “seeks to engage advocacy organizations and legislators to advance local-, state- and federal-level policies,” solicits donations on its website that are sent to a group called the Chinese Progressive Association, according to the Daily Signal.

“Black Futures Lab is a fiscally sponsored project of the Chinese Progressive Association,” the website reads.

CPA was founded in San Francisco in the early 1970s and continues to be a partner of the People’s Republic of China. A 2009 Stanford University paper documented its Marxist ties, saying that “the CPA began as a Leftist, pro-People’s Republic of China organization, promoting awareness of mainland China’s revolutionary thought and workers’ rights, and dedicated to self-determination, community control, and ‘serving the people.’”

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The group, which has been frequently praised by China’s state-run media, continued supporting the communist regime since the paper was published. Recently, the CPA partnered with the People’s Republic of China to help Chinese nationals renew their passports, and it sponsored the raising of China’s flag over Boston’s City Hall to honor the Communist Party’s takeover of China.

Lydia Lowe, the co-founder of CPA, wrote in an essay that it was her hope that Asians can play a role in crafting a “revolutionary strategy” that would result in a “fundamentally different society.”

Black Lives Matter officials have openly admitted to following a Marxist agenda, including co-founder Patrisse Cullors, who said in a 2015 interview that the group is led by “trained Marxists.”

“It’s not possible for a world to emerge where black lives matter if it’s under capitalism, and it’s not possible to abolish capitalism without a struggle against national oppression,” Garza explained at Left Forum in 2015, an anti-free market gathering.

“BLM is a terrorist group violently attacking anyone who exercises their right to free speech and assembly, businesses and homes, and people eating at restaurants,” conservative author and radio host Mark Levin recently tweeted in response to the violence that has erupted across the country under the banner of Black Lives Matter. “It’s a Marxist operation with an army of brown shirts.”

Several black commentators across the media landscape have echoed similar sentiments, including sports columnist Jason Whitlockconservative activist Niger Innis, and former NFL defensive back Burgess Owens.


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