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Rhode Island Stonewalls Physician’s Request for Data on Woman’s Suspicious Post-Vaccine Death

By Brownstone Institute

By Andrew Bostom, M.D., M.S.


On June 13, 2021, a 22-year-old, otherwise healthy Korean military recruit, five days after receiving the first dose of a (Pfizer-BNT) mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, complained to a colleague of chest pain at 1 a.m. but went to bed.

He was found unconscious hunched by the bedside at 8 a.m. Rushed to the emergency department, his electrocardiogram showed ventricular fibrillation (a chaotic and lethal heart rhythm if not corrected), and despite two hours of cardiopulmonary resuscitation efforts, he could not be resuscitated.

Autopsy examination revealed diffuse inflammation within his heart muscle (myocardium), and particularly in the heart’s unique cardiac impulse conduction system (around the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes).

This tragic case was analyzed in the October 2021 issue of the Journal of Korean Medical Sciences, and the authors concluded that the recruit’s sudden cardiac death was caused by a COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis (heart inflammation), which triggered a paroxysmal, fatal arrhythmia…


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