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SCRIPTED: New human vaccines are already developed and stockpiled for a pandemic flu that doesn’t even exist yet

By  Lance D Johnson

New vaccines for pandemic bird flu have already been developed and stockpiled by the U.S. government. These new vaccines were not designed for birds and other animals, where the current strain of bird flu is spreading. Even though this strain of bird flu has not even been transmitted from human-to-human, there is already a new supply of H5N1 vaccines and other mRNA “bird flu” vaccines in the works.

These vaccines introduce a genetically-specific antigen from the most recent strain of influenza A virus sub-type H5N1. According to the traditional definition of vaccine science, this antigen is intended to activate human immune cells and spur long term immune memory of the target antigen — potentially protecting the individual when they are exposed to the specific strain later on.

But how do the vaccine companies know that this specific strain is going to be responsible for a pandemic flu? In order for scientists to produce an efficacious vaccine, (which they believe they already have) there must be a concerted effort to manipulate the genetic code of the H5N1 virus to prepare a line of efficacious vaccines.

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