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SERIOUS QUESTION: Is This The Same Joe Biden We Saw Last Night?

By Noah


The guy we saw on the debate stage last night is nothing like the “Joe Biden” we saw at the State of the Union just a few months earlier.

He was slow and feeble, both physically and mentally.

A raspy and frail voice that sounded like it was going to go out (and take him with it) at any moment.

In fact, it was so bad that even CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Kamala Harris a very strangely worded question: “Is the man we saw on stage tonight the same man you see in the White House every day?”

What a strange way to phrase that, don’t you think?

Take a look:

But today Biden was back on the campaign trail holding a Rally and we had the “old” angry Biden back.

(Oh, and the “Ballsack Chin” we saw last night was also gone today).

Watch how loud and angry he was today:

I think maybe they took the drugs they were supposed to give him last night and gave him double today?

Seriously folks, I am honestly asking if this is the same man we saw last night, and if so, how is that possible…


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