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SHOCK VIDEO! Israel 2019: Satanist Madonna Performs Pre-Pandemic Genocide Ritual By Mike King


By Mike King

Elite Satanists, lower-level evil-doers and even just the ordinary mischief makers we come across have this perverse little habit of telling us what they are about to do or have already done – but doing so in a manner which most decent-minded people would never even suspect. Take the 9/11 false flag horror show which (((they))) thought was going to usher in The New World Order, for example. It was only afterwards that cyber sleuths were able to dig up numerous hints from movies, ads, cartoons, US currency bills and even popular songs that the dastardly deeds were mockingly and repeatedly foretold to us many months and even years in advance. Only in hindsight was even the most astute amongst us finally able to understand how they gleefully mocked us in advance.
We can now see that when it came to the worldwide menace of the Stupid-19 Scamdemic, there were similar cases of “predictive programming” and Satanic foretelling. Fortunately, unlike 9/11, we do believe that the plot to dramatically cull world population was re-routed by the “White Hats.” Yes, there will be people who suffer adverse side-effects and even death from “the jab” – but the intended killing off of several billion people — with a slave micro-chip left inside the survivors — is not going to happen. Back then, the Satanic whore Madonna and her handlers were not only expecting a mass die-off via vaccine – they had her sing and play act about it at the immensely popular 2019 Eurovision Song Contest — which was held in “European” Israel that year! Before we revisit that macabre “performance,” we’ll need to set the stage first with the story of “Disease X.”
February, 2018: The Birth of “Disease X”
The following well-sourced excerpts — based on the official and accepted description — are from the Wikipedia entry for Disease X. Better to let the enemy explain “Disease X” in his own words so that no one can accuse us “conspiracy theorists” ℱ of making this stuff up.



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