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Some Observations From Europe Related to the Ukrainian Crisis

By Vasko Kohlmayer


Dear Lew,

Last Sunday we drove from Austria to Prague and the route took us through Germany. This is what we saw a lot of:

These are solar panels. It almost looks like some solar farms. We saw many of them. I guess this is Germany’s way toward energy independence. I hear that they recently closed two of their nuclear plants. It all sounds very logical to the Greens: Why would we need nuclear plants when we can install all these solar panels? The only problem is that Germany does not have all that much sun (the picture was taken near Regensburg in Bavaria some 100 km north of Munich). Greta Thunberg must be very proud, but it does not look like the panels are helping very much, since the Germans are still importing a lot of fuel and gas from Russia, which is why the EU did not want to sanction that part of Russian exports.

This afternoon I went to the bookstore at Wenceslas Square in Prague because I wanted to read some passages from the Brothers Karamazov, and I don’t have a copy of it here. When I came out there was a demonstration afoot in support of Ukraine.



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