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South Africa: Surviving State Collapse: Lessons From South Africa



South Africa’s Present: America’s Future?

In a post here a couple of years ago (Is South Africa’s Present America’s Future?), I wrote about why Americans ought to pay attention to South Africa:

Eleven years ago, author and urban futures scholar Joel Kotkin wrote optimistically about America’s demographic trajectory:

An ongoing source of strength for the United States over the next 40 years will be its openness to immigration. Indeed, more than most of its chief global rivals, the U.S. will be reshaped and re-energized by an increasing racial and ethnic diversity.

Working to advance that trajectory, the Biden Administration announced in May that it would prioritize Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia for refugee resettlement. With that in mind, it’s worth paying attention to another country which prizes its diversity, the Rainbow Nation of South Africa.

In addition to its 80% African population comprised of several different ethnolinguistic groups, and its shrinking white population, South Africa also has a significant South Asian minority. Although cheerleaders of demographic change in the United States generally don’t predict we will end up with a majority African population, if we commit to continued mass immigration, and the UN projections graphed by Steve Sailer below prove accurate, it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility.





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One Comment

  1. Swordslinger Swordslinger March 1, 2023

    As in South Africa – so in America! Just wait and see!

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