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Survey Finds Most Brits Still Wearing Face Masks Despite No Legal Requirement

By Paul Joseph Watson

Young people most likely to have reduced their usage.

A new survey has found that Brits in most age groups are still wearing face masks at the same rate after July 19 despite there being no legal requirement to do so.

A YouGov polls finds that only people in the youngest age group, 18-24-year-olds, have significantly reduced the wearing of a face covering since ‘freedom day’, when all restrictions were supposedly lifted.

People aged 65+ actually increased usage of wearing face masks (83%) after the legal requirement was dropped while those aged 50-64 and 25-49 used them at roughly the same rate.

“With young people less likely to be fully vaccinated (21% according to our latest tracker data), and more likely to have disabled their NHS COVID-19 app, the results highlight the increased risk young people are putting themselves – and others – in,” asserts YouGov.

However, the efficacy of face masks still remains dubious at best, with one peer-reviewed study involving 6,000 participants in Denmark revealing that “there was no statistically significant difference between those who wore masks and those who did not when it came to being infected by Covid-19,” the Spectator reported.

As previously highlighted, Dr Colin Axon, a SAGE advisor for the government, dismissed face masks as “comfort blankets” that do virtually nothing, noting that the COVID-19 virus particle is up to 5,000 times smaller than the holes in the mask.

“The small sizes are not easily understood but an imperfect analogy would be to imagine marbles fired at builders’ scaffolding, some might hit a pole and rebound, but obviously most will fly through,” Axon said.

The fact that many Brits are continuing to wear face masks despite these doubts underscores how successful the British government was in using behavioral experts to terrifying the public into compliance.

It was also revealed today that university students in the UK could need to be fully vaccinated in order to attend lectures and stay in halls of residence during the upcoming academic year.


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