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Posts tagged as “Bill Clinton”

THE CLINTONSPublished 1 day ago Ronan Farrow says Bill Clinton was ‘credibly accused of rape,’ calls Juanita Broaddrick’s case ‘overdue for revisiting’

“Catch and Kill” author and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ronan Farrow took aim at former President Bill Clinton on Friday night, saying the nation’s 42nd chief executive was…

Joe Biden apologizes when footage of him blasting 1998 Clinton impeachment as a ‘partisan lynching’ is unearthed – after he attacked Donald Trump for calling this year’s saga a ‘lynching’

Joe Biden has apologized for using the word ‘lynching’ during a 1998 interview about Bill Clinton’s impeachment Biden lambasted Trump who used the same word calling…

Siege at Ruby Ridge

The Siege at Ruby Ridge is often considered a pivotal date in American history. The shootout between Randy Weaver and his family and federal agents on August 21, 1992,…

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