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Posts tagged as “”

Migrants are being ‘radicalised’ by NGOs pushing them to raise their demands, warns UN refugee official after rescue ship trying to dock in Italy snubbed Spanish offer of asylum

Vincent Cochetel concerned about migrants demanding where they get asylum It came after rescue ship snubbed Spain’s offer after being stranded for 20 days  Cochetel…

Killer ROBOTS will eliminate targets without compassion or ethical judgements if countries continue to develop autonomous weapons, Human Rights Watch warns

Russia, US, Britain, Australia and Israel accused of blocking controls on robots  Human Rights Watch says the development of lethal machines needs new law  Amazon,…

COWORKER is arrested over murder of retired Cal State Fullerton administrator who was found stabbed to death with a bomb under his car – bringing two-day manhunt to an end

A coworker of the Cal State Fullerton administrator who was stabbed to death in a parking lot has been arrested on suspicion of murder. Chuyen…

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