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Posts tagged as “”

Breaking: FEDS ran the so-called “white supremacist” group tied to VA Governor’s false claim that gun owners would stage armed assault on capitol in Richmond

(Natural News) As has been long reported by the independent media, so-called “white supremacist” groups are actually run by the FBI, and it was the FBI…

EXCLUSIVE: Natural News investigation finds shipping LONG EXPIRED superfoods: “Grape Fiber powder” expired in 2018, shipped as new in 2020

(Natural News) Just weeks after the Wall Street Journal published a damning investigation which found was selling literal dumpster trash as new food, a investigation…

Hillary having on-camera seizures, Biden losing his mind every time he talks, Amy Klobuchar violently shaking: Why do Democrats seem so SICK?

(Natural News) Yet another left-wing Democrat, this time presidential hopeful Amy Klobuchar, has experienced a physical health breakdown on the national stage, which begs the question: What’s going…

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