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The Government Misused The Obstruction Of Congress Law To Imprison J6 Patriots?!

By CD News Team 

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the January 6 defendants, stating that an obstruction law (1512(c)(2)) used to charge scores of January 6 rioters and former President Trump was improperly applied. This ruling opens the door for hundreds of January 6 participants who have been charged under this law to be freed. This is a significant victory for our patriots. It has been over three years since the January 6 protests, and many individuals have languished in jail due to 1512(c)(2). With this new ruling, Congress must call for the release of the January 6 political prisoners. Protect our rights and put an end to political imprisonment!

For over three years, many January 6 protesters have been unjustly languishing in jail under the draconian charges associated with 1512(c)(2). The government, with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, has relentlessly harassed, imprisoned, and stripped away the rights of these protesters. This blatant abuse of power must be stopped. The Supreme Court’s ruling clearly states that the law was intended for limited circumstances involving evidence tampering, not the broader situations prosecutors have wrongfully claimed it covered. Many January 6 participants are being held unconstitutionally, and their continued imprisonment is a travesty of justice.

On January 6, many Americans exercised their constitutional right to peacefully protest and assemble at the Capitol. Instead of being recognized for exercising their First Amendment rights, they were arrested and treated as political prisoners. Our Constitution guarantees the right to peacefully protest and assemble. Yet, numerous January 6 protesters remain in jail, waiting for justice that has been deliberately delayed. This is a direct assault on our constitutional rights, and it must end now.

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