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The Intelligence Revenue Service

By Paul Engel

  • What happens when the Internal Revenue Service becomes a spy agency?
  • Why is Congress so interested in using the IRS to know just about every transaction you make?
  • Is there more behind this new 1099-K than meets the eye?

There are few things more universally feared and hatred than the IRS. When I’m asked about unconstitutional government agencies and point out that the IRS does exercise a power delegated to the United States, most people are gravely disappointed. Of course, while the IRS may legally exist, that does not mean that everything they do is constitutional.

The recent IRS rule to gather data from those in the gig economy went far beyond what is constitutional. While the Sixteenth Amendment does allow Congress to collect taxes on income from any source without apportionment to the states, the IRS used the threat of unreasonable searches to “encourage” compliance. For those of us who read and study the Constitution, we can see that this is just the latest in a long line of abuses this agency has engaged in. Let’s face it, this $600 reporting requirement is less about collecting taxes and more about gathering intelligence on the American population.

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