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Whom shall he teach knowledge?

And whom shall he make to understand doctrine?

Them that are weaned from the milk,

And drawn from the breast.

For precept must be upon precept,

Precept upon precept;

Line upon line, line upon line;

Here a little, and there a little.

For with stammering lips

And another tongue

Will he speak to his people.

(Isa. 28:9-11).


The disposition of being improperly curious caused me to enlist in the United States Navy in 1919. The second ship in which I served was the battleship, U. S. S. Wyoming, in which the chaplain was father Brady. After getting accustomed to ship’s routine I began plying him with questions. First, I wanted to know all about the Catholic Church, because I had been brought up as a Baptist and did not understand his Sunday services, the first portion of which was ex¬ clusively Catholic. He gave me an old “dog-eared” Catholic history book and turned me loose on my own. Next, I wanted to know all about Biblical history, because I could not understand it. I also wanted to know what became of the ten-tribal House of Israel—the ten “lost” tribes. Father Brady admitted he did not know what became of Israel, although he believed the people still existed amidst the Gentiles in similar manner as the Jews, their brethren. I argued, however, that the Jew is readily recognized by his peculiar mental and physical characteristics, and if he is a brother of lost Israel, then, is it not logical to believe the House of Israel would have the same character¬ istics? If so, where were they?—You cannot conceal a people who Jehovah declared to Abraham would utlimately be as numerous as the stars above and the sand on the sea shore. Father Brady could not answer.

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