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The Organized & Unyielding Effort to Keep Trump Off the 2024 Ballot: An In-depth Analysis of the Colorado Trial

By Roger Stone 


A small group of moderate Republicans and dark money funded Democrat-controlled anti-Trump organizations are continuing to do everything they can within the framework of the organized campaign to prevent President Trump from winning the 2024 election.  A recent trial in Colorado stems from the group’s attempts to try to tie President Trump to the January 6th protests and declare him to be a de facto insurrectionist who attempted to overthrow the government and therefore ineligible to run according to the 14th Amendment.  This is despite the fact that Trump has never been charged or convicted of such crimes.

The Never Trumpers clear goal is to keep the former President off the ballot for the 2024 presidential election in Colorado, and is a glaring example of the long-running nationally organized effort to prevent him from reclaiming the presidency and clearing the stench of what is the corrupted government in Washington, DC…


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