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The Six Types of Demons and Their Methods of Possession

ByĀ Jason CharlesĀ 


If you donā€™t believe in the supernatural, spiritual realms, and the entities that occupy them, then I donā€™t know what to tell you other than much of your life will not make sense. The truth is some people are hyper-preceptive to the spiritual forces all around us while most are super-oblivious to these things.

In 2005 a Gallup poll indicated,Ā ā€œ1 in 2 people believe in the paranormalā€Ā ( While later a Gallup poll done in summer of 2016 stated a whoppingĀ ā€œ89% of people believe in God in Americaā€Ā ( That is still the vast majority of Americans still believe in a creator despite the massively funded, government indoctrination against God in the public-school systems for over 5 decades now.

Fear of the Unknown Limits Perception

The fact is, despite a willful attempt to scientifically prove, and present evidence that demonstrates a purely naturalist point of view, people’s antidotal evidence and personal experience suggests they believe otherwise.

FYI to all humanists, if you canā€™t explain how we perceive you will never explain what we perceive. The scientific worldview and its naturalistic perception have become the ultimate veil on human perception. Focusing only on the physical and the minutia of creation actually limits consciousness. While unique and fascinating the real wonder and marvel of creation is us. The fact any of us perceive, much less billions of us being able to agree upon a universally shared perception is a miracle in its own right, none-the-less we do.

The mystery of consciousness and the awesome intricacies of creation will forever place atheists in a minority. There is nothing they can do short of damage our brains to have the vast majority of people lose sight of the concept of God and the supernatural. Which ironically studies have suggested exactly that, atheists are brain-damaged in a particular spot. In fact the threat-center of the brain which would identify spiritual threats as well as physical ones when fully functional.

ā€œBy shutting down the threat-processing centre of the brain, scientists weakened people’s faith in God and made them less prejudicedā€¦

ā€¦A joint team of American and British scientists have discovered that powerful magnetic pulses to the brain can temporarily change people’s feelings on a variety of subjects – from their belief in God, to their attitude to immigration.ā€ (Independent)

The people that are oblivious to spiritual things are self-blinded to a reality that is right in front of them, mainly by an acceptance of a worldview that both denies and derides the idea of alternative realities. This is understandable, if they ever dared to become open to the possibility of more than our physical, natural existence they lose control of everything. The possibility of stray invisible entities operating on our psyches in much the same way the magnet cited in the above study disrupts the brain is frightening. Much less the concept of a just God that demands retribution for all oneā€™s sin.

Letā€™s face it, compared to the scientist’s survival of the fittest narrative, the supernatural evokes another level of panic and fear. The worldview of the naturalist, or secular humanist is safe. It is safe to think nothing inside or outside of creation can act on their world. It is old and unchanging. The supernatural summons up images of everything from the angelic to the demonic and more. It is easy to disregard the supernatural as fantasy, it is hard to peak behind the veil and realize we have never been alone.




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One Comment

  1. Smitty Smitty March 11, 2023

    Wow. A lot of supposition and no biblical sources cited regarding “six types” of demons. Jesus only cites two types. But at least he got what a demon actually is half right. However, like lucifer, the fallen angels are physically bound in heaven waiting to be booted out by Michael which is when they’ll show up here, on Earth, pretending to be our saviors. For now, they are permitted to project their wills which is what a “demon” actually is. Sort of like remote viewing on mega steroids.

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