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The Whistleblower and the ‘Schiff-Biden Dossier’

In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia “collusion delusion” fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the “Schiff-Biden dossier,” a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.

The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton’s real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as  a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.

With the revelations by the Washington Examiner that the whistleblower worked for former vice president Joe Biden and that two of Adam Schiff’s aides worked with the whistleblower, we can see Schiff’s fable of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine’s President Zelensky, even the whistleblower’s initial complaint, to be a fraud manufactured by Schiff and Biden, to get Trump while diverting attention from the Biden family corruption from Ukraine to China.  As the Washington Examiner reports:


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