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Trans Activist Lets the Mask Slip in TikTok Rant on ‘Womanhood’ and ‘Owning Periods’

By Sister Toldjah


Writing about radical transgender activists and their powerful allies, especially those hellbent on so-called trans women taking over women’s sports, has almost become like a “dog bites man” thing at this point. But they just keep saying and doing dangerous stuff that deserves calling out, because staying silent on this issue at this point really is the equivalent of giving tacit approval of the erasure of women, in my opinion.

The latest example comes from transgender TikTok-er “Blessing Rose,” whose rant on “womanhood” got a little extra publicity Monday thanks to the Libs of TikTok Twitter account.

In the clip below, we see Rose snidely condemning women who were born women for claiming they “own womanhood” and “own periods.” In Rose’s opinion, women pointing out that there are experiences that are unique to them alone (like pregnancy and monthly cycles, for example) equates to “transphobia” and “audacity and arrogance.”

“Ya don’t [own those things],” Rose looked into the camera and told actual women who have had the nerve to point out inconvenient facts about womanhood to pseudo-women like Rose…


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