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Trump reveals two Dem senators he is targeting during closed-door meeting

By Andrew Mark Miller , Aubrie Spady 


The Senate races in Montana and Ohio are both ranked ‘toss ups’ by Cook Political Report.

EXCLUSIVE: Former President Trump revealed that he is targeting two red state Democrat senators in 2024, a source tells Fox News Digital.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., asked Trump to share with lawmakers the importance of taking back the Senate in 2024 during a meeting Thursday on Capitol Hill, according to a person in the room. Graham mentioned that there are several vulnerable Democrats in the Senate with records very similar to President Biden’s.

Trump said Sens. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Jon Tester, D-Mont., are top of the list of Democrats he is seeking to oust in 2024 — two vulnerable Democrats who are facing tough re-election bids in red states won by Trump in 2020.

“They opposed everything I did while I was president, and now they are talking like Republicans,” Trump said, according to the source.

Sen. Jon Tester, former President Donald Trump, and Sen. Sherrod Brown splitFrom left: Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont.; former President Donald Trump; and Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio. (Kevin Dietsch/Steven Hirsch-Pool)

Brown and Tester have both appeared to be distancing themselves from President Biden as polls continue to show the president falling behind in several key swing states.

Tester released a memo in May that touted his “standing up to President Biden and his Administration” on several issues, including the border and COVID mandates. However, Tester’s GOP opponent Tim Sheehy previously told Fox News Digital that the Democratic senator has a habit of changing his tune to appear more moderate in election years…


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