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Turkish Illegal Released by Biden’s Border Patrol Arrested for Abducting, Raping 15-Year-Old Girl in New York

By Border Hawk


An illegal alien recently released into the U.S. by Border Patrol was arrested for abducting and brutally raping a 15-year-old girl in Albany, New York.

Sakir Akkan, a 21-year-old Turkish citizen, was apprehended last week by Albany police — more than a month after the rape, which allegedly took place on May 14 in the capital city, according to the Times Union.

On that night, the young victim reportedly left a residential group home where she was living and was walking along a street when a man pulled up next to her in a Toyota Prius and threatened to beat her with a metal rod if she didn’t get into the vehicle.

Investigators reviewing surveillance footage determined the suspect had first driven by the victim before making a U-turn to pursue her.

After forcing the girl into the car, the suspect then drove to a secluded area where he ordered her into the back seat, removed her clothes, and violently raped her, she told police.

The suspect then let the girl out of his car and she ran to a nearby residence to seek aid as he fled the scene.

Akkan was arrested and charged with first-degree rape on June 18 — more than four weeks after the alleged attack.

When he was apprehended, Akkan provided an address in Troy, NY.

On November 5, 2023, Akkan was reportedly caught by Border Patrol agents after illegally entering the U.S. near San Diego, California…


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