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Ukraine admits need for peace talks with Russia

Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has acknowledged that Moscow will eventually have to be involved in negotiations

By RT International

Ukraine is prepared to negotiate with Russia but only when it has a stronger bargaining position, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba told journalists at the Swiss-hosted ‘peace conference’ on Sunday.

Speaking to the press at the Alpine resort of Burgenstock on the second day of the two-day event, Kuleba acknowledged that both sides of the Ukraine conflict will have to negotiate at some point to reach a definitive peace.

“The idea is that the next summit should be the end of the war. And, of course, we need the other side at the negotiating table as well,” he said.

“It is obvious that both sides are needed to end the war, our job is to ensure that Ukraine is in the strongest position at that time,” Kiev’s top diplomat stated. He claimed that Ukraine understands “perfectly well that the moment will come when it will be necessary to talk to Russia.”

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