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US DRONE SHOT DOWN OVER BLACK SEA! UAV from Sicilian USAF-CIA Station – Images updated


The news of the shooting down of a US drone was reported by two Russian Telegram channels – “Military Informant” and “Fighterbomber” – reported by the Italian newspaper La Stampa, according to which, in the past, these two channels have rarely written less than informed things.

The American UAV Shoot Down by Russia aviation

«By the newspaper’s own admission it is, in the first case, one of the most informed Russian telegram channels on what is happening in Russian airspace and aviation. The article quotes what the channel reports as follows: “A Russian MiG-31 fighter shot down a US Air Force reconnaissance drone over the Black Sea. Presumably it is a high-altitude RQ-4B Global Hawk reconnaissance drone.” Shortly after, the channel publishes an update: “Yes, the incident has now been confirmed.”

This is what the Italian website Contropiano wrote a few hours ago, confirming the validity of the alarm launched a week ago by Gospa News on the use of the Naval Air Base (NAS) of Sigonella (Sicily) where not only is there an Air Force command but also the most important station of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) the American counter-espionage.

The important investigative newspaper in the USA The Gateway Pundit directed by Jim Hoft even hypothesizes that the downed UAV could have been a General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper attack killer drone (originally known as Predator B) like the one in the cover photo.

In fact, the news is going around the world with details that aggravate the extent of a very serious diplomatic incident which not only directly involves the USA, explicitly threatened with retaliation by the Kremlin.

«Last Sunday the splinters of an Atacms missile supplied by the USA, launched by the Ukrainians on Crimea and intercepted by the Russians, ended up on the beach of Sevastopol, killing four bathers – including three children – and wounding around 150. As I know, the shooting coordinates of the missiles are helped by the drones in flight” adds Contropiano…


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