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WATCH Elon Musk To Disney CEO: “Go F**K Yourself!”

Vince Quill

It’s no secret that Elon Musk has been battling anti-free speech initiatives like the ADL and Media Matters since day one.

Groups like these have been behind the campaigns to get advertisers to leave Elon Musk’s X social media platform and are enemies of the American people.

Freedom of speech is the most sacred right, as this is the right all our other rights are contingent upon. The First Amendment is the foundation, the Second Amendment is to defend that foundation by lethal force.

The latest controversy between these rabble-rousing groups and Elon Musk comes in the form of a post he responded to earlier this month. CNBC had the details:

Musk, who has never reserved his social media posts for business matters alone, drew attention to a tweet that said Jewish people “have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.”

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