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WATCH: Rep. Tlaib talks about how she also wants a ‘civilian climate corps’

By James Anthony

“I’m excited about the idea of [a] civilian climate corps … that connects environmental justice with economic and racial justice.”

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) spoke at a hearing on Jul. 20 2021 and talks about her enthusiastic support for what has been called the “civilian climate corps”.

The hearing was put on by the Natural Resources Committee‘s Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands and featured several speakers as well as Tlaib. It was entitled “Examining the Potential for a Civilian Climate Corps.”
Tlaib starts with, “As you all know, as we fight for climate change, I’ve repeatedly said that we don’t have to choose between our planet and the economy.”

“Some of my colleagues that continue to deny the science would have us believe that any attempt to make the planet livable for future generations would be devastating to our local communities. But those are just talking points from their corporate polluter friends, who are profiting off of our suffering.”
“The reality is that we already made a choice between our environment and the economy, and we are unquestionably destroying our planet to line the pockets of a select few.”
“We all have a moral calling to transform the relationship between our environment and the economy into a mutually beneficial one where we put people to work in well-paying union jobs in [the] service of our planet.”

“I’m excited about the idea of [a] civilian climate corps … that connects environmental justice with economic and racial justice.”
Tlaib has famously been a champion of other “woke” causes such as eliminating funding for the Border Patrol and ICE, and also for criticizing Israel, and accusing it of “ethnic cleansing.”


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