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Whoa…Supreme Court Will Hear Appeal on Jan. 6 Case That Could Change Everything


If you, like me, think that the January 6th defendants have often been overcharged for merely entering the Capitol building, then you should be watching this case.

 The Supreme Court has just granted cert to an appeal by Joseph Fischer, who was charged with obstructing an official proceeding of Congress and thus faces a severe sentence. The charges are based on a law passed in the early aughts (2002). Those charges are based solely on his trespass and not on any violence or destruction.

Bloomberg Law’s take on the Court’s consideration of the case is, unsurprisingly, driven by the fact that it might upend some of the charges leveled at Trump. And it is hard to criticize that focus because, well
Trump. He is the big dog, and if Fischer wins his appeal some of the cases against Trump either get complicated or even go away.

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