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5 Insane Democrat Bills That Broadcast Networks Are Ignoring


By Bill D’Agostino


Broadcast networks ABC, CBS, and NBC have ignored a slew of radical bills introduced in Democrat-controlled state legislatures —  a conspicuous move, considering the heaps of airtime they recently spent on Tennessee and Montana state lawmakers. However, of the five bills highlighted in this piece, only one received any coverage: a mere 23 error-laden seconds from CBS.

Minnesota: Protecting Pedophiles from “Discrimination”

Minnesota’s Human Rights Act, which prevents discrimination based on sexual orientation, contains language which specifically notes that pedophilia is not a legitimate sexual orientation. However, transgender Democratic state Rep. Leigh Finke has introduced a bill called the “Take Pride Act” (H.F. 1655), which would remove that language from the document.

How much attention has this bill received from the broadcast networks?





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