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How the CIA Used a Secret Livestream to Spy on Julian Assange

Not a joke: the CIA ran an operation to livestream surveillance of women on the toilet.

(MPN) — Earlier this year MintPress News published an article about how Australian journalist and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and whistleblower Chelsea Manning had “brought the U.S. government to its knees,” by revealing the U.S. torture program, war crimes, and “Cablegate”. At the time it appeared that the Trump administration was “more than ever willing to exact full revenge upon those who exposed the truth,” and now we know just how far they’ve been willing to go to make that happen.


Working directly with Ecuador’s corrupt government, the U.S. government abandoned all sense of legality and moral decency by spying on Assange twenty-four hours a day via an illegal livestream surveillance operation set up by a private security firm and approved by Ecuador’s president, Lenin Moreno. The revelation was made by Spanish news outlet El Pais, and it’s as stunning as the corporate media’s complicity.


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