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POLL: Majority of Dems Prioritize Ukraine Border Security Over Their Own

by Cullen McCue

According to a new Rasmussen poll, a majority of self-identified Democrats prioritize the border security of Ukraine over their own. The poll also gauged opinion on other topics relating to the conflict, such as Biden’s overall handling of the crisis. A majority of respondents graded Biden’s response poorly.

Rasmussen asked 1,000 likely voters, “which do you consider more important to America’s national interest: Defending Ukraine against Russian invasion, or defending the U.S. border against illegal immigration?” While 53% of overall chose defending the U.S. border, a majority of self-styled liberals Democrats chose the other option. According to the poll, 57% of Democrats chose Ukraine’s border over the U.S. border. Additionally, 67% of self-styled “liberals” also chose Ukraine…

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