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‘Unwoke’ Free-for-All #61: Happy New Year and We’re Gonna Make It Fun



(Reminder: Every episode is now in the Unwoke All-Access section of our podcast page. I’ll still be doing teaser blurb posts in Columns as reminders that new episodes are up.)

It may be the second week of 2024, but it’s our first chance to properly welcome it in with a shiny new episode of Unwoke. 


If it seems like a long time since last, we met via this format, that’s because it is. Our last episode was on the 8th of December. We were hit with some pre-holiday difficulties last month. One week, I was experiencing a full-on internet glitch. I kept getting a warning that my connection was unstable. Because of that, my audio was worthless.

The next week, well, Kevin explains that on this episode.

While doing the thing that we call show prep, Kevin and I decided to keep this first all-access offering of the year nice and light. We thought we would just wing it and welcome everyone back. Oh, we throw in a little man meat double entendre as well.

There will be plenty of time for heaviness this year. We are going to try and avoid as much of it as we can. That does not mean that we won’t be offering you anything substantive, dear listeners. We are simply dedicated to a mix of light hearted and “WHY US?!?!?” as we navigate the turbulent election year waters…

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