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President Obama Weaponized Government – Phase Two Was Positioned to Monetize Government…

Looking over how much corrupt Hillary Clinton dirt the intelligence community hid in the 2016 election, the big picture aspects deserve an expanded discussion.

In the larger picture it is clear the Obama administration weaponized the institutions of government to target his/their political opposition. It is also increasingly clear a Hillary Clinton administration would have monetized the U.S. government.

President Obama’s team used the DOJ, CIA, FBI and IRS to target their opposition.  The intelligence apparatus was weaponized; one small example that scratches the surface is the FBI/NSA database exploitation.  Black files on DC politicians, private sector groups and individuals facilitating leverage, and we are still seeing the ramifications.

When Patrick Byrne recently discussed his role within the  “political espionage” operations, he is describing this exact process; not coincidentally he also seems to have retreated into a safe-space.

Big multinational interests, Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Global Banking interests, etc, were exclusively supporting both President Obama and candidate Clinton.  The domestic politics of the U.S. were/are tools toward an end; and, so long as the person occupying the oval office did not interfere with Big Club objectives, they too would benefit financially.

It is also obvious the opposition to President Trump, those who are really coordinating and manipulating the grassroots sheeple opposition, are these same multinational interests.

The college kid wearing a pink pussy hat is oblivious, but the executive offices of the Deep State FBI and Intelligence Community under James Comey, Andrew McCabe, or even Christopher Wray and AG Bill Barr are not; they know.  READ MORE…

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