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Achtung, Baby! Your Historical Proof the Democrats Are Using the Nazi Playbook

by Kevin Downey Jr.

We know Joe Biden has a history of plagiarizing but who knew he’d swipe Hitler’s libretto and unleash it on America? We the People should have known. The Democrats accuse Trump and/or the GOP of whatever skullduggery they themselves are up to, so when they called us “Nazis” for the past six years, we should probably have taken a closer look at what those Untermenschen were up to.

FACT-O-RAMA! “Semantic satiation” is the process of using a word so often that it loses its meaning, like calling us “Nazis” and whatnot.

I’ll get into the timeline in a moment, but let’s peep at some other similarities that are crucial to what’s going on — and what could happen — based on the Democrats’ increasing dedication to their Nazi-riffic leanings.

Thug Life

Hitler had a street thug army called the SA (also referred to as “Brownshirts” or “Storm troopers”) who would riot, break windows, and start fires. They frequently beat and sometimes killed people they considered ideological enemies, all with political impunity…

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