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AI Bot Called ‘Steve’ Is Running For Spot In British Parliament

by Jacob M. Thompson


AI bots are now running for political office in a sign of the times. In the race to elect a new parliamentary spot in the British government, a candidate is operating under an AI bot simply called “Steve.”

Courtesy: Steve AI

Euronews reports: ‘Steve Endacott, the man behind the artificial intelligence (AI), is an entrepreneur from the south of England who wants his avatar to be present in the House of Commons as the MP for the Brighton Pavillion constituency.’

I am setting up my own party after growing disillusioned with how much the others are out of contact with the UK population. I will try to use technology to connect directly with the views of my constituents.

Endacott said in a LinkedIn post.

According to Endacott’s website:

“Steve Endacott, a Sussex Entrepreneur, has created many of the initial policy ideas and will “physically” attend Parliament to vote on policies as guided by AI
Steve’s feedback from his constituents.

“Although Steve maintains a house in Brighton and will use this when attending Parliament, he now lives in Rochdale with his new wife, restricting his time to talk to his constituents in Brighton and Hove.

“AI Steve was created to ensure that the people of Brighton and Hove had 24/7 access to leave opinions and create policies. Policies for the People by the People!”

Voters can ask the AI bot questions 24/7 by typing out the questions or talking to it with a microphone, and Steve will respond accordingly.

Euronews adds: ‘Neural Voice, an AI company where Endacott is the chair is powering Steve AI. Endacott ran for the Conservatives in 2022 out of Rochdale and received 487 votes.’

‘The UK has a history of running satirical characters during their election cycles. Lord Buckethead ran in four British elections since 1987 as an intergalactic villain. Another space villain, Count Binface, ran in the 2024 mayoral elections,’ the outlet concluded…


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