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AMERICA FIRST: President Trump Fires Tennessee Valley Authority Chairman After Drive to Fire American Workers, Replace With H-1B’s

America First!

By Richard Moorhead

President Donald Trump announced his intention to fire the CEO of the Tennessee Valley Authority on Monday, citing the federally owned company’s recent track record of firing its American workers and seeking to replace them with cheaper, outsourced H-1B visa workers.


The President confirmed that he would secure the resignation of TVA CEO Skip Thompson, either through the federal company’s board, or through his own authority. The TVA is the nation’s largest federally owned corporation, created in Great Depression to provide electrical and public works services to a large region of Appalachia and the American South. TVA’s recent firing of 200 American workers had represented a stark departure from its original mission of providing gainful and useful employment opportunities in what remains one of the poorer regions of the country.


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