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At the Peak of Nazi Terror in Ukraine

Rostislav Ishchenko – 09.03.2022, Exclusive

Editor’s Note: We are trying to put some time into finding articles on Ukraine from those closer to the conflict, as they will often have viewpoints we have not seen mentioned in the West.

Ishchenko has an insight below, about how it is better to have living heroes than all dead ones, as then the pool of good political talent is not all in the cemeteries.

Another is his mentioning that the hard core Ukie nationalists counter-intel people know who all the pro Moscow leaning people are, and have being knocking them off in the cities so they cannot work against the hard core Ukies if the Russians take cities and then want to cleanse them of subversive elements. They will not have informed local people to assist them. This situation is going to get worse before it gets better. Even if the scales tip to the Russian incursion, regarding who is winning the attrition campaign, that could trigger mass killings in retribution, which of course will all be laid at the feet of the Russians in the West. We have yet to see Western media denouncing the Nationalist battalions…

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