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Biden’s ‘Death by a Thousand Cuts’ Student Loan Forgiveness Schemes Continue



Joe Biden would have made a great Medieval torturer. He is sadistically carving up student loan debt sliver by sliver, piece by piece, until the American taxpayer cries out in pain and despair.

Almost a year ago, in June 2023, the Supreme Court ruled that Joe Biden did not possess the power to forgive half a trillion dollars in student loans. That power, the court said, is reserved for Congress.

That didn’t stop Biden. In total, the U.S. Department of Education has canceled almost $160 billion in federal student loan debt for nearly 4.6 million borrowers since that decision. Biden has vastly expanded some programs not meant to forgive billions of dollars, and reinterpreted other programs to get rid of the rest.

He’s being challenged, of course. But the courts are slow and Biden is counting on the Supreme Court being confronted with a fait accompli as millions of borrowers will already have the bulk of their student loan debt forgiven. He’s hoping the Supreme Court won’t force these students to repay debt that’s already been forgiven.

It’s a good bet he’s right.

Now Biden is once again waving his magic wand and making billions of dollars in student loan debt disappear…



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