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CA High School English Teacher Believes Proper Grammar Supports “White Supremacy,” Doesn’t Want to Teach Kids Critical Writing Skills [VIDEO]

By Amber Crawford


An English teacher in California is being called out on social media after one of her videos on TikTok went viral. In this video, she argued that teaching grammar and proper writing techniques in school is racist and supports White supremacy.

Marta Shaffer, an English teacher at Oroville High School, has decided that grammar rules are the product of White supremacy and will not be teaching her students how to write following the widely-accepted grammatical standards that are crucial for students to be familiar with. The only thing she will be accomplishing is hurting their chances of getting into a good college since they won’t know how to properly write essays or clearly communicate via the written word.

Shaffer kicks off her video, titled How English classrooms are white supremacist, by saying that “public education is an institution that upholds lots of problematic systems in our society like White supremacy and misogyny and colonization, etc.”



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