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Consumer Confidence Warning Over ‘Frankenscience’ Gene-Edited Animal Plans in England

By Rachel Hannah


The British government says its plan to legalize gene-editing in animals and plants for food is following the science and will help ensure food security. But critics say profits are driving what they call “Frankenscience” and warn consumer confidence could be hit.

The new Genetic Technology Bill, the government says, will allow the creation of drought- as well as pest-resistant and nutrient-enhanced crops, reducing waste and the use of pesticides. It argues only genetic changes which could have been produced through conventional breeding methods or natural processes will be fast-tracked in the lab for consumption.

But the bill, which has been broadly welcomed by the farming community, has provoked protests from advocacy groups and animal welfare organizations opposed to the development and marketing of animals with “edited” genes.

The bill will not apply to Scotland and Wales.



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