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Cost for Your 4th of July BBQ Has Exploded, Thanks to Joe Biden

By Jim Thompson

Joe Biden’s first Fourth of July as president, the inflation rate had climbed to 5.4. That was close to four times the 1.4 rate of inflation he inherited in January 2021. Prices for everything were going up. The following month, Biden’s Afghanistan debacle illustrated his failure as a president with people falling out of the wheel wells of a C17. Then, 13 American soldiers were blown up because of Biden’s hubris and lack of competence. Joe showed he wouldn’t be pushed around – so he ordered a JDAM strike. It killed 10 innocent people, mostly children.

Biden further defined his heartless incompetency by checking his watch while the bodies of 13 heroes returned home.

Inflation was accelerating like Usain Bolt out of the blocks. In response Biden’s team did this:

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