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De-Dollarization: China Dumps Historic $53.3 Billion Of US Debt, Sets Precedent For Others To Follow Suit

by Jacob M. Thompson


“This will lead to the collapse of the USD and the current system. It is obvious that the Western civilization is being destroyed by their own corrupted and rotten political system and its rulers,” said an economist.

Yet another attack has been levied against the United States dollar as the world reserve currency, as China recently offloaded $53.3 billion worth of treasury and agency bonds in the first economic quarter, in a move that further exemplifies their ambitions to diversify their holdings.

The move comes at a time when the Biden administration recently announced new sanctions and tariffs against China.

Bloomberg noted in a report: ‘China’s investments in the US are garnering renewed investor attention amid signs that tensions between the world’s largest economies may worsen. President Joe Biden has unveiled sweeping tariff hikes on a range of Chinese imports, while his predecessor Donald Trump said he might impose a levy of more than 60% on Chinese goods if elected.’

At the same time China and other allies have been buying record amounts of gold, rising to 4.9% of their entire holdings in April, an historic high…



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