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DISGUSTING! Democrat Ilhan Omar Giggles and Jokes Behind Liberal Colleague Discussing US Casualties in Iraq (VIDEO)

What a mistake!
Democrat leaders thought it would be a good idea to put radical anti-American Ilhan Omar on stage during a discussion of US war casualties.

That was stupid.

On Wednesday during a gathering of House Progressive Socialists Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was seen laughing and joking around while her colleague discussed US casualties in Iraq.

Ilhan, as we all know, is not a big fan of her adopted country. And she giggled and joked throughout this talk of US casualties in Iraq.



  1. Clemens Clemens January 9, 2020

    She’s a piece of shit

  2. Methos Methos January 9, 2020

    Why hasn’t this bitch been removed yet? Along with the rest of the America hating, terrorists lovers!

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