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DSA Channels Stalin, Pulls Off Crafty Move With Exclusive Sanders Endorsement by Trevor Loudon

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) pulled off a deft move at its biennial National Convention in Atlanta in early August.

The United States’ largest Marxist organization passed a resolution declaring that it wouldn’t endorse any Democrat except Bernie Sanders in next year’s presidential election.

Many commentators, including some less-sophisticated DSA comrades, saw this as a bad move. One opposing delegate summed up the argument of many when he or she said, “Trump is too dangerous to take cards off the table right now”; that side narrowly lost the resolution battle.

The argument is that the DSA has backed itself into a corner. If Sanders loses, they reason, the DSA will be unable to endorse the winner. That will mean that the DSA will be sidelined, marginalized from the anti-Trump opposition that will coalesce around the Democratic nominee—which this author believes will be Sen. Kamala Harris from California.

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