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‘Gender neutral restrooms’ grace U.S. military academies

By J.M. Phelps


General: ‘No question neo-Marxist ideology has captured the minds’ of today’s leaders

It was just one more sign that Marxist “woke” ideology has infiltrated the U.S. military and its service academies.

Last month, a sign directing United States Air Force Academy cadets to a “Gender Neutral Restroom” could be found in the hall of one of the nation’s most esteemed military service academies. Prior to this story’s publication on WND, the sign, provided to WND by a cadet, was removed.

Of course, the sign points to a much larger, systemic problem that continues to plague the nation’s military: The Marxist policies of the far Left. WND spoke with Air Force Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Rod Bishop, chairman of Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, Inc., or STARRS – an organization standing against “woke” ideology in the U.S. military and its service academies.

In conversation with some of the U.S. Air Force Academy cadets, Bishop notes that on the one hand, many are “too scared to speak up,” but on the other, some cadets are growing increasingly determined to stop “the push of leftist ideologies.”

So, while he praises the courage of cadets willing to confide in him and share their stories, Bishop told WND, “Our military needs a real cultural change.” For him, there is “no question that neo-Marxist ideology has captured the minds” of many of today’s military leaders…



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