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Gov. Andrew Cuomo Says President Trump Was Right All Along

Albany, NY — In the annual State of the State address, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says that President Trump was indeed right all along. Well, perhaps he did not say it in those exact words but he did say that he agreed with President Trump through his actions. Cuomo said that the state cannot remain closed for the coronavirus.

Cuomo said that the cost would be too high to wait for the vaccine to be distributed, a call that many on the left have cited as the only way to reopen the economy safely. He said that remaining closed would leave the state with nothing left to open.

This comes after Cuomo indicated in December that there may be the need to shut the state down again. The state has experienced some of the most drastic lockdowns among all states through the coronavirus pandemic.

The comments are a drastic change for one of the most vocal critics of President Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Democrats argued for widespread shutdowns, even a national shutdown, in order to curb the pandemic. Now, Cuomo seems to be saying that President Trump was right after all.

Conservatives have been saying for nearly a year now that the massive shutdowns and government restrictions cannot remain in place and our economy survive. Thousands of small businesses have already closed and many will soon join them if the economy is not reopened soon.

This also tells another tale as it confirms what we knew all along. Democrats were playing politics with the shutdown orders and Americans suffered because of it. This is more widespread than just Gov. Cuomo but he is the first to admit it. Democrats used the COVID-19 pandemic to damage President Trump and retake control of US politics.

That’s not to say that the coronavirus is not real, or is not dangerous. It is absolutely real and it has taken the lives of many Americans. Americans were used as pawns in a political game by the left. Still yet, many will never believe it or see it.

The left now has a distraction in place that most people are watching. They are watching the reports of the Capitol events and how they are trying to impeach President Trump once again. This means that they can make statements just like this one without any harm or repercussions on them.

Gov. Cuomo is facing a reality. His revenues in the state are falling and his state is going bankrupt, all because of poor leadership. He has to take action and reopen the economy or the state will face an even bigger financial crisis.

You can rest assured his move is not about helping the citizens of New York. If that were the case, he would have come to this conclusion long ago. This is about him and his desire for more money to spend. That’s probably why he announced a lot of new initiatives across the state spending millions more of the taxpayer’s funds.

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One Comment

  1. steveg steveg January 13, 2021

    Cuomo needs to go to jail for all the damage he’s done to New York.
    He has lied over and over again, making up political speeches that have nothing to do with real science.
    Now that the justice department is looking into all the nursing home deaths, it looks like he is running scared.

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