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ICYMI, Gisele Fetterman got ‘a bit too honest’ about her twisted, toxic relationship w/ her husband

By Sarah D

His mental health issues aside, it’s not easy for us to sympathize with Democratic Sen. John Fetterman. He consciously and repeatedly ignored physicians’ advice despite being warned that he was at serious risk of major health problems. He was an absentee mayor with a history of doing some pretty awful things, like chasing down a black jogger with a shotgun. And he continued to run for U.S. Senate despite being self-aware enough to know that he had no business serving in the U.S. Senate, let alone campaigning.

And that’s why we’ve got to hand it to his wife, Gisele Fetterman. Because she has managed to pull off the near-impossible and made us feel sorry for her husband. She’s a brazen opportunist and evidently doesn’t care who knows it (to be fair, if we got the sort of simpy media coverage that she got, we probably wouldn’t care, either). Seriously, we’re legit starting to think she might be a narcissist and straight-up sociopath.

We’re not remotely qualified to make such a diagnosis, of course, but stuff like this makes it incredibly tempting to do so:

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